MTV is supposedly going to be airing more music videos to try and get back to its roots of being an all music video station. They are going to call the 6-hour block of time "AMTV". Apparently it is going to start at 3 am so unless you are a night owl or have to wake up really early you probably won't even notice the change. However, I know a lot of people will be happy about this because they miss the music videos, but I am not one of those people. I could care less if they play more videos, I prefer the reality shows. They used to be known for the videos but now I think people are used to there reality shows. MTV was one of the channels that started the big reality TV craze with "The Real World", which is still a huge hit. I think they should stick to what people know and not try to change the channel too much. There are plenty of other places to watch videos like Youtube.