Monday, May 4, 2009

Twitter Helps To Inform About Swine Flu

With the recent popularity of Twitter it is no surprise that people are learning about the swine flu through people's messages. Some experts are afraid that this unofficial information will cause a panic among people. Others are glad that any information is out there so people are aware of the problem and know to be careful. I agree with them. Even if people are worried more than they should be I think it is a good thing because its better to be safe than sorry! Media outlets like Twitter and Facebook are great places to spread information to the masses about health risks and other social issues.


  1. I love how people are overracting to swine flu and making it sound like it is the new black plauge. My friend asked another one of my friends if she could have a sip of her drink, she said, "No, I don't want to get swine flu."

  2. I think I said this on someone else's blog, but the overreaction about this whole swine flu is ridiculous. There's only been like 1000 cases worldwide and there's over 6 billion people on this planet. So, the odds of you catching swine flu.. 1 in 6 million. Meanwhile, the odds of being struck by lightning in a given year is 1 in 400,000, so you are FIFTEEN times more likely to get hit by lightning this year than you are to catch swine flu.
