If you go to the website Digg to get your news BEWARE!! There have been reports that cyber-crooks are setting traps on that site. Criminals pretend they are Digg members and trick readers into downloading harmful software. Apparently these "cyber-crooks" tell members to watch online videos featuring celebrities. But, in order to watch these videos you have to download certain software. This software is actually a program that pretends to scan computers for viruses. It says it has found critical problems and to eliminate them you have to pay a fee.
There have been over 50 comments posted to lure people into this scam. The Digg community manager says that he is working on the problem and every profile with this content is being deleted. So be careful out there on the internet because there are so many viruses that appear to be anti viruses and they will trick you and then ruin your computer!
Is there anything worse than computer viruses? What losers are creating these things? A lot of virus don't benefit the creators, they just screw peoples computers up. It's not even like these people get to enjoy watching people toil as there computer malfunctions. Do they get some sick satisfaction just "knowing" people in the world are being unneccesariliy troubled. NOTHING annoys me more than this.
ReplyDeleteI find it amazing that even with all the security updates available through windows and mac that hackers still keep getting through. Not just on personal computers, but businesses too. Over the last couple years there have been many credit card scams in gas stations and outlet stores, causing people to lose their hard earned money. It makes you wonder when the "good guys" will finally be able to create a computer thats 100% hacker free.