A lot of companies are using the new president Barack Obama and his strive for change as an ad campaign. Ben and Jerry and Hewlett Packard are among the many that are promoting change alongside Mr. President and now Ikea is joining them. The Swedish furniture store recently kicked off an ad campaign called "Embrace Change 09". They have an oval office replica inside union station in Washington DC furnished with all Ikea furniture. They also have billboards featuring the Embrace Change slogan. They are going to hold a mock motorcade in which they strap furniture to the hood of vehicles and drive around Washington to symbolize the President and his family moving into the White House. A website has also been created were you can design the oval office using a drop click feature. There is going to be a $1500 gift card giveaway to those who visit the site.
I think that this is a great message and they are doing a lot of fun things to promote it. I checked out the website and it was really cool. The address is www.embracechange09.com if you want to go see what it is all about. Good job Ikea!!
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I agree with you that is a really good idea as well. The audience they are advertising to should definitely grow from taking advantage of this Obama saying and could probably reel in some more business by doing so.