Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What's the Deal With "Sexting"?

Apparently this new way of texting has become dangerous for kids. "Sexting" is when kids send sexual messages, pictures and videos to other people with their phones. Usually it is girls sexting boys , but it goes both ways. If caught with these pictures or videos they could get charged with child pornography and even face jail time. A 13- year old boy from Ohio is facing felony charges after he taped some kids involved in a sex act and then showed his friends at a skating party. Another boy from Florida will remain a registered sex offender until he is 43 because he mass emailed naked pictures of his ex-girlfriend after they broke up to get back at her. These seem like drastic measures for two teenage boys!

I could not believe some of the stories I read about this subject. I think some of these kids are getting too harsh a punishment, they are just kids and they do not know what they are getting themselves into. Hopefully an example is being made out of the ones that have gotten caught and there will be less of this activity going on.


  1. I think it's crazy to put a child on a sex offender list.. and until he is 40! That's going to effect him throughout his life for a stupid mistake of a child. There should be penalties but that seems ridiculous. The advancement of technology is giving a new way for kids to act out in these ways but if he didn't do it with his phone.. and the kid showed the physical picture to his friends, would he have received as harsh a penalty?

  2. I just think the phrase secting is hilarious and that this is the latest "horror story" fromm the media. I don't think its a huge deal personally as I remember horror stories like this from middle school. Puberty Sucks
