Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Youtube and Sony Unite

I know I talk a lot about online videos, but I found yet another story that sounded interesting to me. YouTube is in talks with Sony to acquire licensing rights to some of there full-length movies. This would mean that YouTube would be able to have full-length videos from Sony on their site. There are no details about the agreement and both parties are declining to comment. If this deal does go through it will be a great thing for both YouTube and Sony, so hopefully it will work out.

Recently YouTube got licenced to use short-form content from Disney, which includes ESPN and ABC. With this new collaboration YouTube is able to play show clips, previews and more. YouTube is becoming a place were you can watch a lot more than just videos random people put up, and I think they are going to become a lot more in the future.


  1. I posted something similar to this a little while back, except it was MTV who was negotiating with YouTube for rights to music videos and such. YouTube's popularity has exploded in such a short time, and huge media corporations like Sony are taking note and using it to their advantage. You're right, YouTube is no longer just a place where random users post whatever they want, it is becoming a huge force in the media world.

  2. I think this is great.. as long as Youtube stays the way it is now. With this new content it's going to be easier for Youtube to change it's format and not make it as easy to access the videos. This also might mean an increase of ads and possible commercials in the videos? It will for sure be interesting to see how they make it work.
