Friday, February 13, 2009

No Chris Brown Tell Me it isn't True!!!!

I am a huge Chris Brown fan and the recent allegations against him have me very worried. He is under investigation for making criminal threats and hitting his girlfriend Rhianna. I cannot believe this, how could he do that when he had so much talent?? His career is most likely over and I am mad because I love his music. My ipod is 50% Chris Brown and 50% everything else, how will I live without his music??

Professional PR people and image consultants are saying that Chris is making the wrong move by staying silent. They think he should be out there giving his apology with tears running down his face and showing his appreciation for women if he is ever going to get his career back. I think that no matter what he does his career is over and although I will miss his music he deserves that for what he has done. There is no excuse for hitting a woman, especially since he has made statements that his mother was a victim of abuse. I hope that this was all a misunderstanding and he did not do what they are saying he has done but I know that is just wishful thinking. I guess I will have to find another favorite singer. Any suggestions??


  1. Well I have spoke to many people about this situation, and so many people say, "Oh I cannot believe he would do something like this. He is not that kind of person." But really, we do not know Chris Brown personally. Just because someone comes up in fame and becomes a star, doesn't mean that they can have flaws and bad tempers like others. He shouldn't be treated any different from anyone else. No one has the right to hit a woman. He is a coward if it is true. If you do like his music there is no reason why you shouldn't still like it because his music is something he creates, and his personality on the other hand we will never know. Frankly, I don't think I would wanna know.

  2. The whole situation is very sad...especially is the rumors are true that Rihanna took him back! They are both staying rather silent about what actually happened and all we are left with is media speculation. Just because they are celebrities doesn't mean that they are perfect, they are just like any body else in an abusive relationship it is just that theirs is for the whole world to see and ask question and speculate about. They are so many girls all around the world in abusive relationships and i can't help but feel liek rihanna who is a role model for so many young girls hasn't taken a tough stand and said...what was done to me is not ok, and no one has the right to lay a finger on you no matter what the situation!
