Friday, May 8, 2009
Be Careful When You Eat Out!!
A friend recently told me about a group of kids that videotaped themselves doing disgusting things to the food at Dominos and then posting it on Youtube. First of all that is gross and it makes me not want to eat out anymore but more importantly it is stupid! Why they would post it on Youtube for everyone to see is beyond me. Youtube is a very powerful device, anyone can see what is posted so you have to be careful what you are putting on there. These kids are now getting in trouble for being so stupid but I still think I will stay away from fast food for a while. This just shows how Youtube can change peoples lives, for the good and for the bad. A lot of singers get discovered from being on Youtube which is great, but people can also get in trouble for the things they post and this is an example of that.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
More Everyday Stuff That's Bad For Us...
An interesting article I just read said that websites like Twitter that give user updates could be dangerous to our emotional development. According to scientists, streams of information provided by these sites are too fast for our brain to comprehend and in turn are harming young people's emotional development. They are saying that before we can experience emotions about one story we are bombarded with another so we do not have time to feel emotions. I don't know how I feel about this information, it seems like just another thing that is bad for us in this world. I don't think our friends posting their status is affecting our emotional development so much that we need to worry about it.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Internet Running out of Bandwidth??
There are new reports stating that the internet is running out of bandwidth. Experts are saying that by 2010 internet users will experience "brownouts" and no internet access for minutes at a time. Also, beginning in 2012 pc's and laptops will work at a slower pace. This means that someday the internet could be useless. I always thought that the internet was limitless but if this story is true then we are in for some serious trouble. I don't know what I would do without the internet, I use it everyday and it is a very essential part of my life. The world would be a lot different with no internet, but I don't think that will happen. Hopefully this story is false or there is a way to fix this problem.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Video Games With Smell!
How could gamers get even more caught up in video games? By adding smell of course! A new technology is being developed to add smell to video games. The gamers will experience the odors of whatever game they are playing, like the race track or the battlefield. There will be different smells that come out of the gaming console like burning rubber when you peel out in a car. It will be very interesting to see how this new technology works and how popular it will become. Maybe smelling these things won't be as fun as it sounds, who knows. What will they come out with next? This will definitely make the games more realistic but also more expensive. (Until they come out with something even crazier then this will be old news).
Monday, May 4, 2009
Twitter Helps To Inform About Swine Flu
With the recent popularity of Twitter it is no surprise that people are learning about the swine flu through people's messages. Some experts are afraid that this unofficial information will cause a panic among people. Others are glad that any information is out there so people are aware of the problem and know to be careful. I agree with them. Even if people are worried more than they should be I think it is a good thing because its better to be safe than sorry! Media outlets like Twitter and Facebook are great places to spread information to the masses about health risks and other social issues.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
New Video Game Based on Real-life Events in Iraq
Atomic Games is coming out with a new video game called "Six Days in Fallujah" which is based on the war in Iraq. The president of the company, Peter Tamte, is very excited about their new action game. They even tapped dozens of soldiers who were involved in the 2004 battle for Iraqi city to get a real-life view. They want their new release to be more than just a game, they want it to be like a documentary. There are many games out right now that are based on real-life events such as "Call of Duty" and "Medal of Honor", but they are based on the past. This will be the first video game that is based on the war in Iraq. "Six Days" will use actual events that took place as their backdrop. The game follows several units through their day to day lives for the six days in Fallujah. It is set to release next year. This sounds interesting to me. I don't play video games but I might play this one just to see what it is all about.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
What's the Deal With "Sexting"?
Apparently this new way of texting has become dangerous for kids. "Sexting" is when kids send sexual messages, pictures and videos to other people with their phones. Usually it is girls sexting boys , but it goes both ways. If caught with these pictures or videos they could get charged with child pornography and even face jail time. A 13- year old boy from Ohio is facing felony charges after he taped some kids involved in a sex act and then showed his friends at a skating party. Another boy from Florida will remain a registered sex offender until he is 43 because he mass emailed naked pictures of his ex-girlfriend after they broke up to get back at her. These seem like drastic measures for two teenage boys!
I could not believe some of the stories I read about this subject. I think some of these kids are getting too harsh a punishment, they are just kids and they do not know what they are getting themselves into. Hopefully an example is being made out of the ones that have gotten caught and there will be less of this activity going on.
I could not believe some of the stories I read about this subject. I think some of these kids are getting too harsh a punishment, they are just kids and they do not know what they are getting themselves into. Hopefully an example is being made out of the ones that have gotten caught and there will be less of this activity going on.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Youtube and Sony Unite
I know I talk a lot about online videos, but I found yet another story that sounded interesting to me. YouTube is in talks with Sony to acquire licensing rights to some of there full-length movies. This would mean that YouTube would be able to have full-length videos from Sony on their site. There are no details about the agreement and both parties are declining to comment. If this deal does go through it will be a great thing for both YouTube and Sony, so hopefully it will work out.
Recently YouTube got licenced to use short-form content from Disney, which includes ESPN and ABC. With this new collaboration YouTube is able to play show clips, previews and more. YouTube is becoming a place were you can watch a lot more than just videos random people put up, and I think they are going to become a lot more in the future.
Recently YouTube got licenced to use short-form content from Disney, which includes ESPN and ABC. With this new collaboration YouTube is able to play show clips, previews and more. YouTube is becoming a place were you can watch a lot more than just videos random people put up, and I think they are going to become a lot more in the future.
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Real World Renewed for More Seasons
MTV just signed a deal for another four seasons of "The Real World". I am so excited about this news because that is one of my favorite shows. They are also going to have another four rounds of "The Real World/Road Rules Challenge". This will bring "The Real World" to its 26th season and the challenge to its 21st. "The Real World: Brooklyn" just ended and I wasn't too crazy about this season. I didn't like the people much, actually not at all, because all they did was get into stupid fights with each other. They have already started shooting the next season which is in Cancun! I think that should be a fun season and hopefully the producers cast people that somewhat get along. The new Challenge is starting soon also I think and that looks like it is going to be crazy from the get go. MTV can never cancel "The Real World" because it is one of their trademark shows and it is always getting new viewers and evolving with the times.
Saturday, April 4, 2009

The most popular newspaper in Mass, The Boston Globe, is being threatened to be shut down. This news has stunned readers and left them wondering how this could happen when they are the number 1 paper around? It is all about money and the recession is taking its toll on The Globe too. The New York Times Co. is threatening to close the paper unless they agree to a $20 million concession. This money will come from pay cuts and loss of company contributions to employee pentions.
Everyone is really upset by this and many say they will really miss the Globe. Some people are not affected by it at all and claim they can get their news elsewhere like online. I don't read the newspaper but I imagine if it was a daily ritual of mine, like it is for a lot of people I would be devastated by the news that they were shutting down.
Friday, April 3, 2009
The Simpsons get Eternalized in a Stamp

I recently read something I thought was very interesting, "The Simpsons" is getting a stamp to celebrate 20 years on TV. They will be launched this year and it is a huge accomplishment for Fox and everyone involved with The Simpsons show. The stamps, that were designed by the shows producer Matt Groening, will feature all the characters; Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. The Postal Service receives about 50,000 stamp suggestions a year and only 20 are chosen, so it is a real honor for them. I was not the biggest fan of the Simpsons, I used to watch it when I was very young but as I got older I wasn't into it anymore. Although I am not a fan I think it is great that they are getting a stamp because after 20 years as an American favorite they deserve it.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
China Blocks Youtube
China has blocked the website Youtube without giving a reason why. Google, which owns Youtube, said they noticed a decrease in traffic from China on Monday. Apparently when they go to the site an error message appears saying "Network timeout. The server at is taking too long to respond." Spokespeople for Google are saying that they do not know what is going on but they are trying to fix the problem. I cannot believe that the government in China can block a website without google knowing about it, and this isn't the first time they have done this. China also blocked Youtube in 2008 when riots broke out in Tibet. Some people are speculating that the block has to do with videos that are being posted by Tibetan exile groups. Apparently these videos show Tibetans being kicked and beaten by police officers and that explains why the government is trying prevent these images from reaching the public. Whatever the reason is, it sounds like there is a lot of bad things happening in China right now.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The Internet is Taking Over
The internet is becoming a big threat to businesses. Video games, movies, TV and radio all can be found on the web and usually cheaper or even free. Sirius XM radio is facing a serious problem because of websites like Pandora and foneshow. People are starting to see that they can get the same benefits for free instead of paying for the service. The same is happening to video games. The internet provides games for cheaper than the big companies so it is making it harder for companies like Sony to make money. Game consoles are also losing attention and the exects feel that consoles are "dying".
I watch a lot of movies on the internet so that I can save money. You would be surprised how many you can actually find online and some that are still in theaters. I saw "Hes Just Not That Into You" online a week after it came out in theaters. As long as you don't mind some new ones being taped from in the theater you can watch pretty much anything. I know that is not helping the movie industry make money, but we have to save money any way we can right!
I watch a lot of movies on the internet so that I can save money. You would be surprised how many you can actually find online and some that are still in theaters. I saw "Hes Just Not That Into You" online a week after it came out in theaters. As long as you don't mind some new ones being taped from in the theater you can watch pretty much anything. I know that is not helping the movie industry make money, but we have to save money any way we can right!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

MTV is supposedly going to be airing more music videos to try and get back to its roots of being an all music video station. They are going to call the 6-hour block of time "AMTV". Apparently it is going to start at 3 am so unless you are a night owl or have to wake up really early you probably won't even notice the change. However, I know a lot of people will be happy about this because they miss the music videos, but I am not one of those people. I could care less if they play more videos, I prefer the reality shows. They used to be known for the videos but now I think people are used to there reality shows. MTV was one of the channels that started the big reality TV craze with "The Real World", which is still a huge hit. I think they should stick to what people know and not try to change the channel too much. There are plenty of other places to watch videos like Youtube.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Disney Creating a new Channel for Boys!
Hannah Montana, High School Musical, the Jonas Brothers...what do all these things have in common? They are all geared towards girls and the Disney channel is doing something about it. They are coming out with a new station called Disney XD that will be geared towards boys ages 6-14. I find it interesting that the Disney channel is doing this but it does make sense. The channel has always been more of a girl station in my opinion so this will be a nice balance for them. Also, this is a great way to make more money!! They can create more movies that will bank millions of dollars in clothing, toys, CDs, you name it. The Disney channel is known for its movies so that will be interesting to see what kinds of movies they make on the XD channel. Also they will have a whole new group of "tween" actors and actresses that will be making millions I'm sure. They are joining forces with ESPN to bring sports to the boys station as well as animation, action and drama. They will also have music videos and gaming is included in all of this too! I think they are on the right track, they say they will have some shows that are more for the older group and other for the younger kids but they will all be appropriate. It will be interesting to see what they have in store and if it works out.
No Chris Brown Tell Me it isn't True!!!!
I am a huge Chris Brown fan and the recent allegations against him have me very worried. He is under investigation for making criminal threats and hitting his girlfriend Rhianna. I cannot believe this, how could he do that when he had so much talent?? His career is most likely over and I am mad because I love his music. My ipod is 50% Chris Brown and 50% everything else, how will I live without his music??
Professional PR people and image consultants are saying that Chris is making the wrong move by staying silent. They think he should be out there giving his apology with tears running down his face and showing his appreciation for women if he is ever going to get his career back. I think that no matter what he does his career is over and although I will miss his music he deserves that for what he has done. There is no excuse for hitting a woman, especially since he has made statements that his mother was a victim of abuse. I hope that this was all a misunderstanding and he did not do what they are saying he has done but I know that is just wishful thinking. I guess I will have to find another favorite singer. Any suggestions??
Professional PR people and image consultants are saying that Chris is making the wrong move by staying silent. They think he should be out there giving his apology with tears running down his face and showing his appreciation for women if he is ever going to get his career back. I think that no matter what he does his career is over and although I will miss his music he deserves that for what he has done. There is no excuse for hitting a woman, especially since he has made statements that his mother was a victim of abuse. I hope that this was all a misunderstanding and he did not do what they are saying he has done but I know that is just wishful thinking. I guess I will have to find another favorite singer. Any suggestions??
Antivirus Virus Alert!!

If you go to the website Digg to get your news BEWARE!! There have been reports that cyber-crooks are setting traps on that site. Criminals pretend they are Digg members and trick readers into downloading harmful software. Apparently these "cyber-crooks" tell members to watch online videos featuring celebrities. But, in order to watch these videos you have to download certain software. This software is actually a program that pretends to scan computers for viruses. It says it has found critical problems and to eliminate them you have to pay a fee.
There have been over 50 comments posted to lure people into this scam. The Digg community manager says that he is working on the problem and every profile with this content is being deleted. So be careful out there on the internet because there are so many viruses that appear to be anti viruses and they will trick you and then ruin your computer!
Ikea Promotes Change with Obama!
A lot of companies are using the new president Barack Obama and his strive for change as an ad campaign. Ben and Jerry and Hewlett Packard are among the many that are promoting change alongside Mr. President and now Ikea is joining them. The Swedish furniture store recently kicked off an ad campaign called "Embrace Change 09". They have an oval office replica inside union station in Washington DC furnished with all Ikea furniture. They also have billboards featuring the Embrace Change slogan. They are going to hold a mock motorcade in which they strap furniture to the hood of vehicles and drive around Washington to symbolize the President and his family moving into the White House. A website has also been created were you can design the oval office using a drop click feature. There is going to be a $1500 gift card giveaway to those who visit the site.
I think that this is a great message and they are doing a lot of fun things to promote it. I checked out the website and it was really cool. The address is if you want to go see what it is all about. Good job Ikea!!
I think that this is a great message and they are doing a lot of fun things to promote it. I checked out the website and it was really cool. The address is if you want to go see what it is all about. Good job Ikea!!
Sirius XM Filing for Bankruptcy??
Sirius XM radio is in danger of filing for bankruptcy! According to a New York Times article the company will be deciding within days if they are going to file. This is a surprise to everyone, even their CEO. Sirius was supposed to be the most successful of all the XM stations and they are running out of money. The economy is taking its toll on everyone and not letting up at all. If the bankruptcy does go through they are not sure what will happen to customers. At this point they assume they will not be affected by it but who knows what will happen in the future. The big problem is that the company might have to cancel some of their big name shows, like Howard Stern and Martha Stuart. I think this would piss a lot of people off, especially Howard Stern because now the only way to hear his show is through Sirius XM. If bankruptcy does occur it would make it one of the largest casualties of this recession with over $5 billion in assets. I hope that it does not come to that but you never know. My question is what is going to be next??
Cancel Cable and Watch TV on the Internet!!
When I miss one of my shows the first thing I do is go online. You can watch almost anything online if you look hard enough. Most shows are posted on the TV station's website right after it is aired so you never have to miss a beat. You can also find TV shows, movies, really anything you can think of on video sites like Youtube or hulu. A lot of people are tuning into the internet to save money and cancelling their cable. I think that is a good idea because of how expensive cable is. This could be a really helpful way for someone to save money if they are struggling. Especially now with the economy the way it is, there are many that are turning off the cable and turning on the computer.
There are some disadvantages to this new way of watching your favorite shows. You have to watch on a smaller screen than that of a TV. Also, most videos are streaming and it may take a long time for them to load or they could stop in the middle of the video. If you have a laptop you could have trouble with your connection. Despite some of the problems I think that this is a new inventive way to save money in this bad economy.
There are some disadvantages to this new way of watching your favorite shows. You have to watch on a smaller screen than that of a TV. Also, most videos are streaming and it may take a long time for them to load or they could stop in the middle of the video. If you have a laptop you could have trouble with your connection. Despite some of the problems I think that this is a new inventive way to save money in this bad economy.
Monday, February 9, 2009
No Jobs For Us Seniors...

We all know about the recent job losses that are affecting America. Many people are getting laid off from their jobs in the companies quests to save money. Many media organizations are also taking this route, which is not good news for us communication majors! Time Warner is planning on laying off 1250 staffers. They have recorded a net loss of $8.16 billion so they are trying to prevent the company from going under like many others have. The cuts will save them $90 million in a year. A rep from Disney says that their quarterly profits were unexpectedly low. They are predicting that these changes in consumer behavior could have a long term impact on broadcast TV and DVD sales. If that does happen it could mean a really big problem for the communication world.
These new cuts are scaring me, as a senior that is graduating in the fall I am anticipating the worst. I do not think it will be possible for me to find a job in the communications Field any time soon. Not only in communications but in all Fields there is a shortage of jobs. I hope that eventually I will be able to get a job were I can use my degree as I intended too and not have to get any old job just to make a living. I still have some time before I graduate for the economy to fix itself so I will keep my fingers crossed!
Media Leads to Depression...I Don't Think So!
In an article I found on Science they claim to have evidence that the exposure to TV and other media outlets to teens causes depression in young adulthood. In 1995 4,142 adolescents who were not depressed were asked how many hours during the day they use media. This was back when the Internet wasn't used nearly as much as it is used now. 7 years later when these children were twenty one 308 of them were depressed. These facts in my opinion prove in no way that the media causes depression. The article goes on to say that children that spend hours a day watching TV and playing video games spend less time outside socializing with other teens. Also, that these social activities such as sports and clubs protect against depression. Watching TV at night or staying online for hours into the night lessens the hours of sleep teens get which can also cause depression symptoms. These occurances might play a small part in causing depression symptoms, but not causing depression itself.
One of the biggest concerns are that the messages teens get from the Internet and television are making them feel inadequate or cause aggression. We all know the supposed link between violence in children and video games and I think this is going off of that sort of thing. I do believe that the media has an effect on teens, sometimes good and sometimes bad. Blaming the media for depression in young adults I will not go along with. Depression is a disease and cannot be blamed on how much TV you watched when you were a teenager. I feel like people are always trying to blame the media for everything bad that happens and I think the media does great things for our society.
One of the biggest concerns are that the messages teens get from the Internet and television are making them feel inadequate or cause aggression. We all know the supposed link between violence in children and video games and I think this is going off of that sort of thing. I do believe that the media has an effect on teens, sometimes good and sometimes bad. Blaming the media for depression in young adults I will not go along with. Depression is a disease and cannot be blamed on how much TV you watched when you were a teenager. I feel like people are always trying to blame the media for everything bad that happens and I think the media does great things for our society.
The Transition to Digital...Are We Ready??
The upcoming transition to digital television has left many people feeling unprepared. A study done by Mindshare Online Research revealed that older adults (55+) were more prepared than younger adults (18-34). I was surprised by these facts because I was almost certain it would have been the other way around. Because older people are less likely to already have cable I figured they would have no idea what to do. One thing I did not think about is the fact that older people have been better prepared for the transition because of this fact.
My grandparents do not have cable and I was worried about how they were preparing for the transition. I asked them about it to make sure they knew what to expect and what to do in order to be ready. They said that they have known about it and have been prepared because of commercials informing them about it. However, there are still many Americans that are not prepared and will no longer have access to television once the transition takes place on the 17th. Some are worried that this will effect ratings but I think that if a person is a regular TV watcher they will be ready for the transition.
I think that the government is doing a good job of preparing people for what is going to happen on February 17. I have seen tons of commercials, for a couple of years they have been airing them. The government has also been giving coupons for free converters for the people that cannot afford them. All in all I think that the transition is going to go well and most people are prepared.
My grandparents do not have cable and I was worried about how they were preparing for the transition. I asked them about it to make sure they knew what to expect and what to do in order to be ready. They said that they have known about it and have been prepared because of commercials informing them about it. However, there are still many Americans that are not prepared and will no longer have access to television once the transition takes place on the 17th. Some are worried that this will effect ratings but I think that if a person is a regular TV watcher they will be ready for the transition.
I think that the government is doing a good job of preparing people for what is going to happen on February 17. I have seen tons of commercials, for a couple of years they have been airing them. The government has also been giving coupons for free converters for the people that cannot afford them. All in all I think that the transition is going to go well and most people are prepared.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Shut Up Bill O'Reilly!

The video Outfoxed opened my eyes to a lot of things. I had no idea that this was going on with Fox news. Although, I do not watch the news I will definitely never watch Fox News. The one thing I really hated about the documentary was Bill O'Reilly. His attitude was so arrogant and psycho, he made me furious. He was so rude to the people he was interviewing with, telling them to shut up, turning their mics off, and fading them off screen all because they have different views than him. What really made me angry was the part with Jeremy Glick. He had the right to voice his opinion especially since his own father died in the 9-11 tragedies. If Bill didn't want to hear his opinion then he shouldn't have had him on the show. Not only does he insult people and yell at them, he lies about what they say. Jeremy could barely get his point across to Bill before he was yelled at and cut off. On future episodes of the show Bill made up complete lies about what Jeremy said about the Bush administration. He made Glick look like a conspiracy theorist and that wasn't him at all.
I understand the entertainment factor that Bill brings to the show. People tune in to see how obnoxious he is going to act and how many times he will tell his guests to shut up. For me that is not entertaining but aggravating. I would never be able to watch his show because he would make me so mad and I would feel bad for his guests. Especially since they said that the guests they have come in on the democratic and liberal sides are mousy and not as strong as Bill so they cannot stand up for themselves as much. I think that Fox news and Bill O'Reilly are annoying and wrong and I will never watch their news again!
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